I will do a couple of blogs to catch everyone up. We went to the corn festival and Brooke had a ball. My youngest brother Dakota talked me into going on a crazy rocket ride with him.
JT was refusing to let me go because it is to dangerous (I went anyway) and Brooke screamed and cried as I got on. I started getting nervous (
JT stays in my head) so I said a quick prayer as I got on the ride for my safety. The ride was horrible! I was on the inside so every time the rocket completed a rotation, Dakota (who was on the outside) would ram into me forcing me against the metal handle. I kept adjusting my hip to hit in different areas and screamed at Dakota the entire time to stop hitting me! I was nearly in tears as we got off the ride and missing half of my hair since the metal kept tearing it out. Next time, I will listen to
JT. Half of my body was bruised for more then 2 weeks.
After my encounter with the rocket, Dakota who was not hurt at all,
convinced JT to go on this spinning ride with him.
JT sat on the outside:) Dakota did not want to go on any more rides after that! HAHA, Dakota is looking at this blog right now and saying that JT was so mean to him and got revenge for me.